Selected Projects
Waterfront Bridgeport, Project Planner, CivicMoxie, Boston, USA
Worked as the project planner for this project - worked on planning strategies, and worked with the team and community on the community engagement and participatory planning exercises. Additionally was responsible for spatial analysis, mapping and urban design. Also worked on creating relevant graphics and visualization. The detailed project report can be found here.
Employers Resource Network, Feasibility Report, Ann Arbor (Researcher with the Ginsberg Center - University of Michigan )
Conducted in-depth interviews with local policy makers, employers, workers and governments to understand the overall challenges faced by the local workers and employers. The project sought to identify barriers faced by local entrepreneurs and understand the impacts of these barriers on the local market in Washtenaw County.
The project also at various models of organizing and networking, including the Employers Resource Network, and used interviews and public meetings to gauge willingness among local actors to engage with such collaborative practices.